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  • Mestrado e Doutorado

  • Presencial
  • Conceito 5 atribuído pela CAPES

and Languages

  • Mestrado e Doutorado

  • Presencial

and Languages


30 x R$ 1.879.00*

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* Master:
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Weekly: Thursdays and Fridays from 8 am to 6 pm

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The PPGCom/UTP understands social insertion primarily as the expression of the materiality of training and intervening processes aimed at the production and transfer of knowledge, both for the instances of Basic Education formation and the teaching improvement of higher education in public and private aspects, elementary forms of social intervention. The commitment to the qualification of Brazilian education and its contribution to the regional and national education systems, a consensual assumption of social insertion in the conceptual discussions of the Area Document, is also expressed in the training of students for insertion in teaching through public competition or simply selection. The social impacts of the PPGCom/UTP expressed by student results are proofs of the maturity of the program in its formative assumptions. Professors and students of the PPGCom/UTP have participated in the main national and international scientific events in the field of Communication, presenting research in several meetings, congresses and symposia of the National Association of Postgraduate Programs in Communication (Compós), of the Brazilian Society of Cinema and Audiovisual Studies (Socine), the Brazilian Association of Journalism Researchers (SBPJor), the Brazilian Association of Media History Researchers (Rede Alcar), the Brazilian Society for Interdisciplinary Communication Studies (Intercom), the Association of Moving Image Researchers (AIM), the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), the Asociación Iberoamericana de Comunicación (Ibercom). The PPGCom/UTP is consolidated in the areas of Communication and Languages, offering theoretical and methodological references to several related and interactive areas. Teachers from private or public sectors have been looking for the courses offered, either in full modality or as isolated subjects for the preparation of a future master’s or doctorate course. A positive point that has been intensified in the last selections to Master and Doctorate Courses is the presence of professionals from other areas that seek complementation or intensification and depth of research in Communication and Languages. Currently, the PPGCom/UTP has students from the areas of Art, Architecture and Urbanism, Cultural Production, Law, Real Estate Management, Business Management, State Advisory and Distance Learning, in addition to the more traditional demand in the areas of Advertising, Technology, Cultural Journalism, Cinema and Audiovisual.
  • General objectives
    • To train students and researchers to develop scientific academic research in Communication, enabling the absorption of its contents, values and practices;
    • To contribute to the creation of scientific research centers focused on communication problems and issues, through the deepening of studies in the Area through the RLs “Cinema and Audiovisual Studies” and “Media Processes and Communication Practices”.

    Specific objectives:

    • To meet the demand for training teachers and researchers, especially at universities in the capital and in the interior of Paraná and in the State of Santa Catarina, developing the research potential in the region;
    • To improve teaching qualification and training of Communication professionals, articulating research, teaching and extension activities between undergraduate and graduate studies;
    • To enable the training, at the Doctorate level, of teachers from the interior and the capital of Paraná and other states, qualifying researchers and professionals for Communication and Language Studies;
    • To contribute to the promotion of post-graduate development and scientific production in the area of Communication through interinstitutional exchanges, joint research with national and international research groups, monitoring of graduates, dissemination of publication results in books, scientific journals, academic meetings and seminars for master’s and doctoral students.

    Target Candidates

    • Certified students from undergraduate and graduate courses in Communication, Languages, related areas and other researchers interested in the disciplines offered.
  • Areas of Concentration

    The Program’s focus area, Communication Processes, conceives Communication in its interactional dimension and dynamic aspect, housing both products (specific objects) and socio-cultural practices. It therefore comprises symbolic actions shared socially, which inscribes it in the specific field of Communication and in the Area of Communication and Information.

  • Social Insertion

    The PPGCom/UTP understands social insertion primarily as the expression of the materiality of training and intervening processes aimed at the production and transfer of knowledge, both for the instances of Basic Education formation and the teaching improvement of higher education in public and private aspects, elementary forms of social intervention. The commitment to the qualification of Brazilian education and its contribution to the regional and national education systems, a consensual assumption of social insertion in the conceptual discussions of the Area Document, is also expressed in the training of students for insertion in teaching through public competition or simply selection. The social impacts of the PPGCom/UTP expressed by student results are proofs of the maturity of the program in its formative assumptions.

    Professors and students of the PPGCom/UTP have participated in the main national and international scientific events in the field of Communication, presenting research in several meetings, congresses and symposia of the National Association of Postgraduate Programs in Communication (Compós), of the Brazilian Society of Cinema and Audiovisual Studies (Socine), the Brazilian Association of Journalism Researchers (SBPJor), the Brazilian Association of Media History Researchers (Rede Alcar), the Brazilian Society for Interdisciplinary Communication Studies (Intercom), the Association of Moving Image Researchers (AIM), the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), the Asociación Iberoamericana de Comunicación (Ibercom).

    The PPGCom/UTP is consolidated in the areas of Communication and Languages, offering theoretical and methodological references to several related and interactive areas. Teachers from private or public sectors have been looking for the courses offered, either in full modality or as isolated subjects for the preparation of a future master’s or doctorate course.

    A positive point that has been intensified in the last selections to Master and Doctorate Courses is the presence of professionals from other areas that seek complementation or intensification and depth of research in Communication and Languages.

    Currently, the PPGCom/UTP has students from the areas of Art, Architecture and Urbanism, Cultural Production, Law, Real Estate Management, Business Management, State Advisory and Distance Learning, in addition to the more traditional demand in the areas of Advertising, Technology, Cultural Journalism, Cinema and Audiovisual.

  • Research Lines

    RLs – Research Lines

    The Program is structured in two RLs that have well-defined outlines, which facilitate the allocation of research according to its theoretical-analytical guidelines. In addition, at the PPGCom, a practice of constant dialogue between the RLs was instituted in order to verify and guarantee the reception of the projects, the curricular structure and the contents of the activities developed during the course.

    RL “Cinema and Audiovisual Studies”

    It studies cinema and other audiovisual media in their communicational, narrative and aesthetic instances, with an emphasis on their structural and thematic components in the stages of the production process, both in the traditional or classic film spheres and in the experimental ones, of fictional or documentary character, as well as in relation to television, video and other similar media. It investigates the historical, technological and socio-cultural evolutions of the media in question, and proposes theoretical references for critical-analytical procedures. The RL assumes the “cinematographic” as a comprehensive presence in the society that authorizes the use of the knowledge constituted as a starting point and reference for the study of other products and media interfaces. Research can also dialogue with contemporary theories of media and aesthetics in their industrial and technological insertions.

    RL “Media Processes and Communication Practices”

    It focuses on the different forms of mediation of intersubjective relations, considered as constituting communicational practices and defining ways of life in society. It examines, in the variety of media devices, the aspects of production, mediatization, circulation and communicative potential in and for social networks. It is interested in forms of experiences built on the basis of communicative acts, whether provided by massive products, face-to-face relationships or processes in digital networks. Therefore, it investigates several communicational practices in their configurations, convergences and aesthetic or political implications, conceived as actions mediated by languages, or constituting meaning in action. The focus, therefore, is not on specific means, but on their diversity, on the figurations they assume, on the enunciative implications that they originate and on the reconstructions provided by the circulatory processes.

    RL “Cinema and Audiovisual Studies”

    • Prof. Dr. Denise Guimarães
    • Prof. Dr. Denize Araujo
    • Prof. Dr. Fernando Andacht
    • Prof. Dr. Sandra Fischer

    RL “Media Processes and Communication Practices”

    • Prof. Dr. Angie Biondi
    • Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo Marquioni
    • Prof. Dr. Geraldo Pieroni
    • Prof. Dr. Kati Caetano
    • Prof. Dr. Mônica Fort
  • Curriculum Structure

    The PPGCom/UTP organizes its curricular structure through compulsory subjects, electives, special topics, advanced seminars, research activities, preparation, qualification and defense of the Dissertation / Thesis.

    Master’s Degree

    To obtain the title of Master in Communication and Languages by the Post-graduate Program in Communication and Languages at Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (PPGCom/UTP), students must complete 1,440 hours, corresponding to 96 credits. To do so, they must comply with:

    • 1 compulsory disciplines of the Common Core (45 hours each = 3 credits), which are: Communication Research;
    • 9 elective disciplines (45 hours each = 3 credits), chosen from: (1) Cinema Theories, (2) Communication Aesthetics, (3) Cinema Aesthetics, (4) Communication Policies, (5) Cinema and New Media, (6) Cinema and Television, (7) Epistemology of Communication, (8) Communication and Technological Society, (9)Theories of Communication;
    • 06 Special Topics – TOPE (5 hours each, total 30 hours = 2 credits);
    • Compulsory (90 hours = 6 credits) and elective (30 hours = 2 credits) targeted activities, previously specified to students in the presentation of the curriculum;
    • Dissertation preparation and defense (975 hours = 65 credits).

    Master´s students can attend Advanced Seminars (SEVAN), from the Doctorate Course, and validate them as Special Topics (TOPE).

    Doctorate Degree

    In order to obtain the title of Doctor in Communication and Languages by the PPGCom/UTP, students must complete 2,400 hours, corresponding to 160 credits. To do so, they must comply with:

    • 1 compulsory disciplines of the Common Core (45 hours each = 3 credits): Communication Research;
    • 9 elective courses (45 hours each = 3 credits) chosen from (1) Cinema Theories, (2) Communication Aesthetics, (3) Cinema Aesthetics, (4) Communication Policies, (5) Cinema and New Media, (6) Cinema and Television, (7) Epistemology of Communication, (8) Communication and Technological Society (9)History Communication;
    • 6 Special Topics (5 hours each, total 30 hours = 2 credits);
    • 6 Advanced Seminars (5 hours each, total 30 hours = 2 credits);
    • Compulsory (90 hours = 6 credits) and Elective (30 hours = 2 credits) targeted activities, previously specified for students in the presentation of the curriculum;
    • Thesis preparation and defense (1,950 hours = 130 credits).
  • Page of Avaliation of PPGED - UTP on CAPES

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  • Coordination address


    • Overall Coordination: Prof. Dr. Sandra Fischer Email: [email protected]
    • Adjunct Coordination: Prof. Dr. Mônica Fort Email: [email protected]
    • Address: Postgraduate Secretariat Stricto Sensu – Masters and Doctorates
    • Dean of Graduate Studies, Research and Extension – PROPPE – 1st floor
    • Address: Sydnei Antonio Rangel Santos – Street, 245 – Santo Inácio – Curitiba – PR CEP. 82010-330


    • Phone: (41) 3331-7644 and (41) 3331-7706 – Email: [email protected]
    • Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 5:30 pm.
  • Staff Members


    The ten Faculty Professors of the PPGCom/UTP either lead or participate in research groups accredited by CNPq. In addition to this, some of its members are part of groups from other Programs for carrying out joint research and other activities:

    GP CIC-UTP in partnership with CIAC –Portugal;

    GP GRUDES (UTP) / Interculturality, Citizenship, Communication and Consumption (ESPM)/ CINECRIARE (UNESPAR)/ The Visual Sign in the Media (USCS);

    GP INCOM (UTP) / CLIC (UFPR)/ GRAFO / NAVI (UFF) and Integrated Research Network on Photography Theory and Analysis (UFF);


    With regard to the highest degrees (Doctorate and Postdoctoral), the concentration of titles is in the area of Communication: out of ten, seven Professors completed their doctoral studies in the area of Communication. Another three completed their Doctorates in the following areas: 01 in History, one in Linguistics and 01 in Comparative Literature, Cinema and Arts, but all of them are committed to research within the area of Communication and Languages.

    The PPGCom/UTP Professors also participate in specific activities in other PPGs, invited to join external boards, round tables at events, to give lectures and teach classes, in addition to carrying out extension and research activities, as can be seen in the report of technical-scientific productions. They are also part of editorial boards of qualified journals in Qualis periodicals, such as Galaxy, Rumors, Folds, Media Action, E-Compós, Famecos, Interin, and are reviewers of several scientific journals in the area of communication such as Galaxy, Rumors, Matrices, E-Compós, Famecos, Folds, Verse and Reverse, In Question, Media Action, Intext, in addition to provide editorial advice for publishing books in the area. All Professors are part of academic-scientific associations such as COMPÓS, INTERCOM, SBPJor, SOCINE, ABCIBER, ABES, IAMCR, CONFIBERCOM, LUSOCOM, ALAIC. Some are members of scientific boards or councils of the associations in which they participate.

    Faculty Professors

    “Cinema and Audiovisual Studies”

    • Prof. Dr. Denise Guimarães
    • Prof. Dr. Denize Araujo
    • Prof. Dr. Fernando Andacht
    • Prof. Dr. Sandra Fischer

    RL “Media Processes and Communication Practices”

    • Prof. Dr. Angie Biondi
    • Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo Marquioni
    • Prof. Dr. Geraldo Pieroni
    • Prof. Dr. Kati Caetano
    • Prof. Dr. Mônica Fort
  • Selective Processes

    The PPGCom/UTP regularly carries out Selection Processes at the end of the year (December) for candidates interested in the Master´s or Doctorate courses, specifying the number of vacancies per course.

    The selection has the following steps, from the delivery of the research project in the registration:


    Proof of foreign language proficiency with dictionary consultation (not eliminatory, but compulsory presence).

    Interview for intellectual defense of the research project

    Doctorate degree:

    Proof of foreign language proficiency with dictionary consultation

    Written test with recommended bibliography

    Interview for intellectual defense of the research project

    Calls and results are published in public announcements.